samedi 6 avril 2013

How to look handsome ?

How to look handsome ?

This is where you decide you WANT to change. Bottom line: Girls Want Guys Who Look Presentable! Moreover, self-confidence is the key! Once you can have pride in your looks, your confidence is boosted! You now feel in control of everything. Nothing can get in your way.
Seriously, there' no way to impress ANYONE without a good FIRST impression, let alone a female. Learn to Love yourself and confide in your pride!
Here's some ways to change

1. Hair: 
--> --> Hair is one of THE most important features when you're trying to have that wonderful appearance. Look around, see who getting the women. Look at their hair. If yours isnt remotely close to their hairstyle and you're NOT getting women, then maybe you should think about changing your hairstyle. The key is to go outside of the box, yet stay in the loop. In general, a mullet is too in the loop and a Mohawk is too out of the loop. Some nice, conservative spikes (for white guys) like Nick Lacey is what I'm steering towards. For black guys, a nice ceasar or fade is conservative, yet flashy. Make sure you go to the barber at least once every 2 and a half weeks. As far as color, make sure it goes with your skin complexion. If you're naturally dark, try not to do gold. If you're naturally pale, try not to do red (or you will be called the redhead guy).

2. Face: 
Smooth skin can be very effective. Many men don't realize that the huge and/or multiple bumps significantly take away from their appearance. If you are one those many who have facial problems, remember to wash you face twice a day (preferably when you brush your teeth, to help keep it routine) and use Neutralize facial cleanser. Try to keep the oil down on your skin.

3. Teeth:
This is a big one guys. Teeth go up there with hair. If your teeth are overly crooked, get braces, point blank. There's no other way around it if you want nice looking teeth. The two main points with teeth are one, how straight they are and two, how white they are. You don't want them TOO white, or else you'll come off as a created doll. But look into some teeth whitening bleaches (that actually work) like South Beach Smile. They're pretty good.

4. Shape:
--> You really want to get a nice body build. One of the most important body parts to build that many guys don't take into consideration is your neck. Now I'm saying turn into Brock Lesnar, but a nice, thick neck signifies authority. Women like men a know how to take control (of course not excessively). Plus, this is the only body part that is ALWAYS being seen outisde of your face (unless you wear turtle neck shirts)..… The next body parts I would like to point out are your back and chest. This is key to having a dominant figure. So remember, neck/shoulders, back, and chest. If you have shrimp calves, that as you probably know, is about 80% genetic. However, with hard work, you can build some mass. You really don't want to have a small lower body and a big upper body. For now, those are four crucial components to having an amazing appearance, and they ALL can be altered on ANYONE. Go ahead and give it a try.

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