dimanche 7 avril 2013

How To Be Friendly and popular with others ?

Don't worry, you're not the only one. Before, I was always shy when I went to a new school or something, and it took a while before I warmed up and got friendly. Right now, I'm just trying to be more outgoing and actually starting conversations instead of just waiting for someone else to say hi because that hardly ever works. So just speak up more instead of hanging back. Jokes help too ..

How To Be Friendly with others ?

Every parent wants their child to be well liked, to get along with others and to make good friends - it is confirmation that your child will have happiness in their life, be able to find and is developing sound mental health. In an effort to influence their child's interactions with, and responses to others, parents may make suggestions about kindness, giving invitations and having good manners, but actually teaching a child how to be friendly is not necessarily something that every parent will set out to do. But exuding friendliness is a skill - and one that can be taught - even to the child with a more reserved temperament.

Friendliness is about approaching others and also being approachable. Approaching others means being proactive - taking the initiative to connect with someone - rather than waiting for someone else to make that first move. Being approachable means appearing as though that initiative will be welcomed. Both behaviours require knowledge and skills - body language, verbal ability - and practise - and that last one is actually more important than the personality qualities that the child may have inherited.

Here's 6 ways to teach your child how to develop the body language and the verbal skills of being friendly.

--> 1. Talk about friendliness

Talk about friendly people you both know; discuss what makes that person appear friendly; catch your child being friendly - and comment on it; notice others being friendly and draw your child's attention to it. Talk about friendliness as a skill - something that can be learned, and that like most things, gets better and easier to do with practise.

2. Teach the "S.P.I.T. For Friendliness" acronym: 

-Smile and say "Hello"

3. Smile and say "Hello"

What a difference a smile makes - the body language that speaks volumes - and one that's unique to humans. Remind your child that their smile is 'right under your nose, always ready for action'. When you're walking into the playground with your child, remind them to say "Hello" to someone who's walking past; they don't have to know the child, they're part of their school family, so a greeting is appropriate. And if another child notices them, the rule is they must always say "Hello" back

4. Praise

Everyone loves acknowledgment - however small - because it means appreciation, being noticed and valued. But some people can be a bit shy about giving praise; it might feel sort of embarrassing, be a bit too intimate and personal, and for some others it might seem too generous to acknowledge another's efforts; because their belief is that praise is something to receive, not to give away.

5. Invite

--> The most common invitations that children give and get daily is in their play; invitations to share an idea, to play a game, to go first or second or last, to pick a captain, to be the captain, to be the goal keeper or to keep the score. Friendly children invite a lot; they want other's ideas, they give others the chance to be at the centre of the action, and so knowing different ways of inviting is important; knowing what to say.
for exemple :
"What do you think about?"
"Would you like to try this?"
"What would you like to do?"

6. Talk

Talking is how we get to know others; once again a skill unique to humans. How much someone likes to talk is part of their basic temperament; the reserved person usually saying less than the outgoing more extroverted personality, and possibly also preferring one on one or small group conversations to the big audience or being the centre of attention. But regardless of innate temperament, developing conversational ability is also a skill and one that you can teach and develop in your child with these activities.

i hope this articles helps you and everything will be fine :) ...

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