samedi 6 avril 2013

How to be self confident (girls ) ?

How to be self confident (girls ) ?

Self-confidence is extremely important in almost every aspect of our lives, yet so many people struggle to find it. Sadly, this can be a vicious circle: People who lack self-confidence can find it difficult to become successful.
After all, most people are reluctant to back a project that's being pitched by someone who was nervous, fumbling, and overly apologetic.

--> You are not alone, hun. All girls feel insecure at age 15. I'll tell you what helped me. Learn self-affirming self talk. Change the negative thinking. When you think "I'm not good enough." push that away and remind yourself "Yes, I am good enough. " When you start thinking about all the things you don't like about yourself, think about the things you DO like about yourself. Make a conscious decision to stat thinking better of yourself and complimenting yourself instead of putting yourself down. Everyone has something great to offer the world, you just have to realize you are just as good as everyone else. If theres something you want to change, make sure you are doing it for yourself, to make yourself happy, not because you feel like you have to to please someone else or fit in.
--> There will always be people in life who put you down and make you feel unworthy, but you're ALWAYS worthy. Everyone is worthy of love and happiness and confidence and feeling good about themselves and you are no different. Being a girl at 15 is a tough time and, trust me, everyone has security issues at that age . Don't worry. Just keep giving yourself positive self talk and reminding yourself what an awesome person you are. Think of how much your friends and family love you and even if they are mean to you sometimes, do your best not to let it get to you. One important skill to learn is to not let other people's negative thinking bring you down.
 Don't let your insecurities tear you down and keep you from being the happy young woman you deserve to be. And if you just cant seem to cheer yourself up, do something constructive and/or relazing. Redecorate your room, do something creative like drawing a picture, sing to your favorite song, whatever makes you happy. Sometimes doing extra chores would make me feel better, as funny as that sounds, because you feel good about yourself afterwards for going out of your way to help someone else. Don't worry about doing things perfectly. The important thing is that you're enjoying yourself and creating positive feelings for yourself just by doing something constructive that you can feel good about afterwards. I know, "affirming self talk" might sound lame at age 15, but trust me, it works! :)
Generally you should work on these important :

1-Have Good Posture
2-Look Good
3-Move with Purpose
4. Be Positive
5- Compliment others
6-Be Realistic

--> This is what worked for me. Just try your best to trick yourself, and you'll believe it. I promise you people will notice your confidence .
 Anyway, good luck and I know it can be tough I hope my article  helps you in some way. :)

Watch the video really helpfull !!

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