lundi 8 avril 2013

How to Look Attractive ?

How to Look Attractive ?

basic question people usually ask from each other is how to look attractive? Everybody wants to be attractive having more people coming to him/her rather than going to someone else. Girls would ask how to look attractive in their sittings when they would want to impress their boyfriends and the similar situation would be happening to the boys too.

dimanche 7 avril 2013

How To Be Friendly and popular with others ?

Don't worry, you're not the only one. Before, I was always shy when I went to a new school or something, and it took a while before I warmed up and got friendly. Right now, I'm just trying to be more outgoing and actually starting conversations instead of just waiting for someone else to say hi because that hardly ever works. So just speak up more instead of hanging back. Jokes help too ..

samedi 6 avril 2013

How to be self confident (girls ) ?

How to be self confident (girls ) ?

Self-confidence is extremely important in almost every aspect of our lives, yet so many people struggle to find it. Sadly, this can be a vicious circle: People who lack self-confidence can find it difficult to become successful.
After all, most people are reluctant to back a project that's being pitched by someone who was nervous, fumbling, and overly apologetic.

How to look handsome ?

How to look handsome ?

This is where you decide you WANT to change. Bottom line: Girls Want Guys Who Look Presentable! Moreover, self-confidence is the key! Once you can have pride in your looks, your confidence is boosted! You now feel in control of everything. Nothing can get in your way.
Seriously, there' no way to impress ANYONE without a good FIRST impression, let alone a female. Learn to Love yourself and confide in your pride!
Here's some ways to change

How to stop being shy around people?

How to stop being shy around people?

 Shy isn't necessarily a bad thing - unless you're shy because you're sabotaging yourself subconsciously. The fact that you miss a life you aren't living leads me to believe this may be the problem. Shy people who like being shy don't really question why or how to stop.

vendredi 5 avril 2013

Lose Weight Fast: How to Do It Safely

Lose Weight Fast: How to Do It Safely !

Many people are increasingly suffering of obesity (excess body fat  )  or 'fat blindness' and are failing to lose weight until they are obese, experts have warned.
Only when the scales tip 13st 10lb does the average person decide that enough is enough, new figures show.
And seeing unflattering photographs is the first things that stirs us into action. so i wrote some tips and advices that absoluttly will helps you to lose safely you weight !

mercredi 3 avril 2013



Smoking is one of the worst things kids or adults can do to their bodies. Yet every single day about 3,900 kids between the ages 12 and 17 start smoking. i have many friends smokes and i hate that !! why would you smoke ? what's the reason ??

mardi 2 avril 2013

How to Get the Perfect Body !

How to Get the Perfect Body !

if you want to get strong, you need to spend a few months training heavy. If you want to look like
abodybuilder, you need to do more sets and reps. That means 12 weeks of circuit training.
first !! ,Lifting at least 3 times a week, preferably 5 times.
Begin each session with a 5 minute jog (6-7 mph).
Make sure to stretch lightly and flex hard during rest time: For size: 1 minute rest / For strength: 3 minutes rest.
--> To see your progress after workout Make sure to measure your arms, chest, calves, and thighs, and to weigh yourself.
Well, life is too damn short. That’s why we’ve come up witha system that lets you develop strength ,size and health