vendredi 8 février 2013

7 Lessons You Can Learn from Shooting with a Camera Phone !

7 Lessons You Can Learn from Shooting with a Camera Phone !

At the bottom of this article ,  recommend for you some books that will absolutly helps you to become more and more professional and take your photos with a very high quality

 , so  let's start :
1. Seeing
Shooting with your phone's camera is going to free up your head. Obviously, you're not going to have any gear to lug around and, perhaps most important, you don't really have any settings to fiddle with. You're free to spend much more of your time simply seeing; you'll eventually find yourself looking at everything and everybody in a different way than if you were using a dSLR. Since you have so little control over settings, you won't be able to fall back on any technical contrivances. You will have to learn to rely solely on your ability to "see" good things in order to make good photos.

2. Using Your Feet
Have you ever used your phone's zoom feature? If you have, then you know the results are appalling. It's a conundrum of engineering: the thinner phones get, the more difficult it is to design a built-in camera with a usable zoom. Zooming in on most phones means it's using digital zoom, just blowing up and cropping in on an image, causing it to appear pixellated and rather ugly. So, forget the zoom. If you want the subject closer to your lens, your best bet is to use your feet. This idea translates well to the dSLR user also, especially when using a prime lens. Sometimes (but not always) it's better to get closer to your subject.
3. Finding the Light
While the sensors found in camera phones improve with each generation of devices, they are still no match for the sensors found in dSLRs and, as such, are prone to struggle when it comes to capturing adequate light. To compensate, you will need to learn to find good lighting, whether natural (wait a moment for that cloud to pass) or artificial (turn on the lights in the room). Applying the same principle to shooting with your dSLR will allow you can keep ISO levels low.

4. Composing Your Shot
Repeat after me: "composition still matters when you're using a camera phone." You may have little to no control over shutter speed or ISO on your phone, but you do have total control over composition. There's no reason to disregard it just because you're shooting with a camera phone; in fact, the camera display on your phone is probably equipped with an optional grid overlay singularly purposed to help you compose your shot according to the classic "rule of thirds." Use it. Strengthening your compositional skills is never a bad thing and it will give you the foundation you need to start breaking the rules of conventional composition.

5. Companionship
--> Having a cellphone that doubles as a camera is convenient (a gross understatement, I know). It's lightweight, fits in a pocket, doesn't require lens changes - it easily goes everywhere you go, making it possible for you to capture life as it happens. To invoke another old photography adage, the best camera is the one you have with you. Using your camera phone in this fashion just might encourage you to start taking your dSLR with you everywhere, allowing you to document the speed of life in higher quality.

6. Maintenance
Most people I've observed tend to dote over their devices, cleaning and charging them on a very regular basis, and carrying them in protective cases. It's understandable behavior; after all, what good is a dead or broken phone? The lesson here for dSLR users is that you should maintain your camera with the same dedication. Public charging stations for cell phones are becoming easier to find in most cities; I don't think such a thing exists for big camera batteries. Thus, it would be to your advantage to keep at least one fully charged spare battery with you whenever you're out shooting, and when you return home, recharge each battery you used even if it's only partially drained.

7. Appreciation
Despite the advancements being made in mobile phone cameras –better sensors, better lenses, more megapixels - it's never going to be enough to sway dSLR users away from their cameras. But if you have ever spent a significant amount of time shooting exclusively with a camera phone, I can only imagine how eager you were to be reunited with your main camera. No, it doesn't fit in your pocket and you can't make calls or play games on it, but it's your bread and butter. You're an artist and it's your paintbrush. Your camera phone makes a great sidekick, but it can never be the main attraction. Give your main camera the love and respect it deserves.

Check this usefull books , it really helps me a lot :

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