lundi 9 mars 2015

how to get a bigger chest

If you want a physique that’s muscular and chiseled yet proportioned, symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing, then building up your chest muscles should be one of your primary goals. There are no shortcuts to huge chest muscles, but there is a right way and a wrong way to do things. Internet has significantly reduced the quality of the information on this subject, as everyone seems to be an
expert. Reqd qbout the 5 tips bellow :

1. Chest Exercises

So basically, if you exercise your chest in a way that signals your body the need to adapt and grow, it will. This is accomplished by doing a variety of resistance training exercises that target the entire chest area.

Push Ups – Much like the bench press,
you can vary the angle and arm width to both focus more weight onto the chest, and to hit different regions of the chest muscle. For an added challenge, use a weighted backpack or vest for extra resistance.

Bench Press – The standard bench press comes in three basic flavors: Flat, incline, and decline, with each targeting a specific area of the chest. Additionally, each barbell press can be performed with either a normal, wide or close grip, which influences whether the arms or chest bears the brunt of the load.

Dips and flys – Find a set of dip bars, hoist yourself up by the arms and tuck your legs. Then slowly lower yourself until the elbows are at a 90 degree angle, and then push back up. Where bench pressing and push ups are more up and down “pushing” movements, “flys” use the inner shoulder joint as the pivot point. With cable and dumbbell flys, the resistance starts outside shoulder width with the arms extended and the palms moving the weight towards the middle of the chest.

2. Maximum Intensity

The human body is an exceedingly intelligent and efficient machine. Hence, it doesn’t like to waste resources – in fact, it strives to allocate its repair, maintenance and growth resources to the areas most critical to its key functions. Simply put, if you want your body to make growing your chest a top priority, its muscles must be pushed to their limits. And the only way to reach that limit is through maximum intensity.

What is maximum intensity you ask? When you bring a laser focus and concentration to each repetition until you simply cannot do another. Literally, your muscles fail. You cannot do one more rep.

That type of intensity and force is what triggers growth. It’s like the body says, “the chest is under a withering attack! Let’s marshal our resources towards the chest so it can grow strong enough to handle the next wave!”

Also the engorged pump you get from an intense lift floods the chest fibers with nutrient-rich blood, bringing much needed raw materials for repair and growth.

3. Achieve Maximum Intensity!

Lift with a spotter – A spotter lets you attack the weights without holding back. You’re
not worried about being stuck with a loaded barbell on your chest if you’ve got a spotter standing over you.

You can safely push your muscles all the way to fatigue. As a bonus, your spotter can observe your form and push you with fiery words of encouragement.

Listen to your favorite music – Music that stokes your emotions can help you get amped up and ready to get after it in the gym. A strong beat thumping in your ears can you give the extra boost needed to push through those last few painful reps.

4. Nutritional Protocol
All the benching and push ups in the world won’t grow your chest if your nutrition is subpar. In addition to stimulation and rest, your body needs quality fuel to build hard, lean muscl e. Following is a breakdown on what to eat and when in order to give your body the building blocks required to craft a strong, chiseled chest.

5. Protein
The three main macronutrients the body uses are carbohydrates, fat and protein. Protein is by far the most important for building muscle as it activates protein synthesis.

Each person’s nutritional needs are different, but conventional bodybuilding wisdom says to consume around a gram of protein per pound of body weight daily. This amount gives the body the building blocks it needs to repair and develop new muscle tissue.

Quality sources of muscle-building protein are as follows:
- Lean beef
- Turkey
- Chicken
- Fish
- Beans
- Dairy (Milk, Cheese, Eggs, Yogurt)
- Nuts
- Protein powder

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